
Friday, 24 July 2015

How to Make Simple Pinhole Camera

It's not difficult to construct a workable pinhole camera. You need, first of all, a closed box. It can be a box of almost any size—a pillbox, matchbox, shoe box, or cylinder-shaped cereal box. Spray paint the inside with black paint. This prevents reflected light from ruining your photograph.

In one end of the box, cut a hole about the size of a dime. Take a 1 y2-inch square of aluminum foil and make a pinhole in the exact center of it. Use a sewing needle to make the hole. Using black m asking tape, tape the square of aluminum foil over the dim e-shaped hole you created earlier.
For a shutter,* make a flap over the pinhole out of a short strip of black tape and a square of dark paper. The black tape serves as the flap's hinge. Whenever you're not taking a picture, use a second piece of tape to tightly close the shutter.

You m ust load your camera in the dark or by using a photography safelight. Cut a piece of black-and-white photographic paper to match in size the inside end of the box opposite the pinhole "lens." On the back of the paper, place a strip of double sided tape. Mount the paper on the inside end of the box.
To take a photograph, place the camera on a table, chair, or other firm support. Point the lens toward the object you're photographing. Without moving the camera, lift the black flap to uncover the pinhole, exposure* time can last up to a few minutes. You may have to experiment with the size of the pinhole and the amount of exposure time before you get good results.
Be sure to focus on a stationary object — a fire hydrant, tree, or building — when taking the picture. Pinhole cameras aren't meant for action shots.

To unload the paper, again use a dark room. You'll then need to use special chemicals to make the images appear and become permanent. If you don't have these chemicals, you can check with a professional photographer for help.

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